We number courses based on the general area in which they fall. The below guide helps provide an overview of our numbering to help students as they may have an interest within a certain area. 

Some courses may fall in more than one area~ please view the listing of courses by main Economics Area.

Number Range

Subject Areas

100 - 300s:

Economics Core
General Coursework
Independent Study
Career and Internship

401 - 409:

General Economics & Teaching
History of Economic Thought, Methodology, & Heterodox Approaches
Economic History (General)
Economic Systems (General)
Other Special Topics (General)

410 - 419:

Public Economics (General)
Agricultural & Natural Resource Economics
Environmental and Ecological; Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, & Transportation Economics (General)
Health, Education, & Welfare (General)

420 - 429:

Macroeconomics & Monetary Economics (General)
International Economics (General)

430 - 439:

Microeconomics (General)

440 - 449:

Labor & Demographic Economics (General)

450 - 459:

Economic Development
Technological Change

460 - 469:

Financial Economics (General)
Business Administration & Business Economics, Marketing,  Accounting (General)

470 - 479:

Mathematical & Quantitative Methods (General)

480 - 489:

Law & Economics (General)
Industrial Organization (General)

490 - 499:

Courses structured to permit a variety of topics

Topic areas were updated starting Spring 2018, so some course number prior to this time may have been changed. Many ECON 490 courses fall within these areas as well.